AcasăAirDropsSupraOracles $SUPRA - raspunsuri misiuni.

SupraOracles $SUPRA – raspunsuri misiuni.


SupraOracles isi propune sa ofere o solutie completa de oracol cross-chain comunitatii si dezvoltatorilor. Aceasta combina datele din lumea reala cu blockchain-uri publice si private pentru a crea contracte inteligente interoperabile care pot proteja pietele financiare in viitor. In plus, dezvoltatorilor li se ofera un set de instrumente pentru crearea, implementarea si mentinerea de aplicatii de date mai rapide.

$SUPRA este o criptomoneda care alimenteaza Supra Network, o retea blockchain de noua generatie care ofera o serie de servicii inovatoare. Ea furnizeaza date din lumea reala pentru aplicatii blockchain, cum ar fi DeFi, gaming si IoT.

Caracteristicile cheie ale SupraOracles :

Cross-chain compatibility: $SUPRA permite transferul de active si date intre diferite blockchain-uri.

Decentralized governance: $SUPRA este o retea descentralizata, guvernata de comunitatea sa.

Interoperabilitate cross-chain: $SUPRA permite transferul de active si date intre diferite blockchain-uri, ceea ce deschide noi posibilitati pentru aplicatiile blockchain.

Supra dRNG (generatori de numere aleatorii descentralizate): Supra permite crearea de RNG-uri probono si imprevizibile pentru jocuri de noroc, jocuri si alte aplicatii.

Supra NFT Oracle: $SUPRA furnizeaza fluxuri de date NFT in timp real, permitand aplicatiilor DeFi sa interactioneze cu pietele NFT si sa faciliteze protocoalele DeFi bazate pe NFT.

Arhitectura descentralizata: SupraOracles utilizeaza o retea descentralizata de noduri pentru recuperarea de date. Acest lucru asigura redundanta, securitate si rezistenta la manipulare.

Traversare ridicata si latenta scazuta: Algoritmul de consens Moonshot permite o recuperare rapida si eficienta a datelor. Acest lucru permite aplicatiilor DeFi sa functioneze mai eficient si sa ofere o experienta de utilizator mai buna.

$SUPRA ajută la facilitarea migrației masive de la Web2 la Web3 prin accelerarea oracolilor, a protocoalelor de comunicare cross-chain și a mecanismului lor de consens de ultimă generație pentru a construi un viitor mai sigur și interoperabil.

Există deja peste 1,5 milioane de perechi de date criptomonede care sunt actualizate zilnic folosind tehnologia de oracol de nouă generație Supra.

Protocolul InterLayer al $SUPRA faciliteaza schimbul de date fara probleme intre diferite blockchain-uri. Acest lucru permite aplicatiilor DeFi sa interactioneze cu diverse ecosisteme blockchain.

$SUPRA este o moneda ce poate face o figura frumoasa. Au un site bine pus la punct, unde ofera multa transparenta. Acolo puteti citi tot despre echipa, tokenomics, roadmap, parteneriate, ecosistem, dezvoltatori etc…

Au peste 150 de parteneriate incheiate, cele mai importante fiind cu MasterCard si Google Cloud.

Au reusit sa integreze toate retelele mari L1 si L2 : Algorand, Aptos, Arbitrum, Astar, Avanlanche, BNB Chain, Ethereum, Moonbeam, Near, Optimism, Polkadot, Polygon, Solana, Sui.

Au peste 20 de investitori, cei mai importanti fiind: Coinbase Ventures, Haskey Capital, Animoca Brands, Shima Capital, Petrock Capital, Hashed Fund, Republic, Signum Capital, faculty Group, HTX Ventures, Maven Capital.

Moneda inca nu a fost lansata. Cel mai probabil va fi lansata in prima jumatate a anului 2024.

Aici aveti link-ul pe care il puteti folosi pentru a va inregistra AICI.

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De aceea, mă străduiesc să citesc misiunile, să le înțeleg și să rezolv testele pentru tine.

În acest ghid, veți găsi răspunsurile la testul SupraOracles . Voi continua să actualizez această postare cu noi răspunsuri la misiuni SupraOracles, astfel încât să puteți reveni oricând la această pagină pentru răspunsuri atunci când noile misiuni sunt disponibile. Urmareste canalul noastru de Telegram, pagina noastra de Facebook si de X (Twitter)pt a fi la curent.

Marcați această pagină pentru răspunsurile Supra Mission 43

Supra Mission 42Raspunsuri

Question 1: What is the ultimate goal of Supra’s grand design for the blockchain?

  • To create more layers of independent services with their own security
  • To build multiple disjunct single-purpose blockchains
  • To integrate all qualities and services into one super chain
  • To add latency and security risks via standalone services

Question 2: What does Supra aim to do with its ultimate super chain?

  • Introducing more disjunct developer journeys
  • Creating a vertically integrated all-in-one blockchain
  • Increasing latency and security risks
  • Creating more fragmented chains and services

Supra Mission 41Raspunsuri

Question 1: How does Supra’s Web3 automation handle cross-chain conditions?

  • Using an external system of intermediaries and validators.
  • With Supra’s natively integrated cross-chain communication via HyperNova.
  • Through centralized infrastructure and external triggers.
  • By creating a separate network of nodes for each blockchain

Question 2: What does Supra’s Web3 automation aim to become a headquarters for?

  • Siloed Smart Contracts
  • Centralized Crypto Exchanges
  • Cross-chain DeFi and Automation
  • Building Layer 3 Blockchains

Question 3: How does Supra’s Web3 automation differ from other off-chain automation mechanisms?

  • It is not accessible for everyone.
  • It relies on a separate external network of nodes.
  • It integrates natively into Supra’s Layer 1, oracle, and HyperNova.
  • It uses centralized bots.

Supra Mission 40Raspunsuri

Question 1: Why does Supra’s vertical integration matter for blockchain development?

  • It adds more difficulties for developers
  • It increases latency
  • It adds security risks
  • It provides a seamless developer experience

Question 2: What network design breakthrough does Supra utilize for its multi-service integration?

  • Asteroids and Comets
  • Tribes and Clans
  • Constellations and Stars
  • Satellites and Probes

Question 3: What is the core consensus technology that powers the Supra network?

  • Jolteon consensus
  • Tendermint consensus
  • Starlight consensus
  • Moonshot consensus

Supra Mission 39Raspunsuri

Question 1: How will Supra encourage dApps to access their services?

  • Free access to services by staking in-demand tokens
  • Increasing fees for oracle services over time
  • Accepting only $SUPRA token in liquidity
  • Higher service fees for liquidity providers

Question 2: Why is liquidity is crucial in Web3?

  • To create centralized control
  • To decrease user adoption
  • To increase transaction costs
  • To enable smooth asset exchange

Question 3: What is the primary incentive for node operators to provide liquidity?

  • Decreased block rewards
  • Increased token supply
  • Earning both block rewards and liquidity fee-share
  • Token giveaways

Supra Mission 38Raspunsuri

Question 1: Why does Supra anticipate service fees for protocols like oracle and VRF to decline in the long run?

  • A shift towards closed-source protocols
  • Competition from other blockchain services
  • The inevitable trend in tech towards lower fees for services
  • They don’t think services fees will decline

Question 2: How does the Supra network plan to generate revenue in the future?

  • Generating revenue from cross-chain liquidity
  • Service fees on open-source protocols
  • Charging users for using the network
  • Through mining operations

Question 3: Who benefits from Supra’s cross-chain liquidity network?

  • Only liquidity providers
  • Only dApp builders
  • Only the Supra network
  • Liquidity providers, dApp builders, and the Supra network

Supra Mission 37Raspunsuri

Question 1: How does Supra’s DFMM differ from traditional AMMs?

  • DFMM integrates cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles
  • DFMM is limited to a single-chain environment
  • DFMM increases impermanent loss in trades
  • DFMM relies on centralized price data

Question 2: How does Supra’s DFMM and its cross-chain DEX benefit DeFi traders?

  • They limit trading to just one blockchain ecosystem
  • More accurate prices with maximum trading speed and efficiency
  • They enable trading of fewer number of assets
  • They silo down trading systems even more

Question 3: How does the integration of cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles within Supra’s DFMM create a major shift in DeFi?

  • It limits trading options for users
  • It increases slippage in trades
  • It disconnects markets from each other
  • It lays the foundation for an enshrined cross-chain Decentralized Exchange

Supra Mission 36 Răspunsuri

Întrebarea 1 : Care este impactul cheie al DFMM Supra asupra DeFi?

  • Face DeFi mai ușor de utilizat și stimulează adoptarea
  • Taxe de tranzacție mai mari
  • Adopție DeFi mai lentă
  • Risc crescut pentru comercianți

Question 2: Where does DFMM get it’s price information from?

  • A single external AMM
  • Centralized authorities
  • Supra Oracles and a decentralized virtual order book
  • Exclusively it’s own liquidity pools

Question 3: What AMM problems does Supra’s DFMM solve?

  • AMMs lack any slippage while trading
  • High slippage and impermanence loss of AMMs
  • AMMs lack of centralized operations
  • AMMs are extremely user-friendly

Supra Mission 35 Answers:

Question 1: Why did the concept of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) emerge in the world of Web3?

  • To eliminate the need for a centralized matching agent
  • To rely on centralized market makers
  • To centralize trading operations
  • To increase slippage in DeFi trades

Question 2: What inherent drawbacks and risks does the AMM model still face in DeFi?

  • Perfect liquidity provision
  • Impermanent gains and decentralized operations
  • Low slippage and ideal risk mitigation
  • High slippage, impermanent loss, and less than ideal risk mitigation

Question 3: What does DFMM stand for, according to the mission?

  • Decentralized Fashion Market Model
  • Decentralized Football Metaverse Module
  • Dynamic Function Market Maker
  • Digitally Functioning Marketing Mechanism

Supra Mission 34 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra address the challenges posed by Oracle Extractable Value (OEV)?

  • By embracing predictability
  • By centralizing oracle networks
  • By increasing gas fees
  • By cutting out oracle latency and predictability with DORA

Question 2: Why did Supra need to solve the problem of OEV?

  • To increase gas fees for users
  • To encourage toxic trading strategies
  • To centralize the DeFi ecosystem
  • To prevent the theft of value from well-meaning traders

Question 3: What does OEV stand for in the context of the mission?

  • Overly Exaggerated Value
  • Oracle Exchange Volume
  • Operational Extraction Venture
  • Oracle Extractable Value

Supra Mission 33 Answers

Question 1: In traditional proof-of-work blockchains, who has the opportunity to extract value from liquidation events?

  • Validators
  • Miners
  • Traders
  • Delegators

Question 2: Why are oracles considered crucial in the context of Oracle Extractable Value?

  • They facilitate decentralized voting and governance
  • They control the entire blockchain
  • They mine the underlying cryptocurrencies
  • They bring real-world data onto blockchains, triggering events like liquidations

Question 3: In a proof-of-stake network, what term is used for the phenomenon similar to Miner Extractable Value and Oracle Extractable Value?

  • Validator Dominance Quotient
  • Stakeholder Appreciation Value
  • Proof-of-Stake Liquidity
  • Maximal Extractable Value

Supra Mission 32 Answers

Question 1: What is one of the main objectives of the price discovery mechanism in Supra’s Liquidity Network?

  • Prices determined by arbitragers
  • Fairer and more accurate prices
  • Fixed and static prices
  • Inaccurate prices for arbitrage opportunities

Question 2: What risk do liquidity providers face in the current state of isolated DeFi markets?

  • Legal compliance risk
  • High liquidity risk
  • Counterparty risk
  • Impermanence loss for liquidity providers

Question 3: How does Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network solve price gaps across different DeFi marketplaces?

  • By introducing a new consensus algorithm
  • By integrating Supra’s decentralized cross-chain oracle
  • By creating separate liquidity pools for each market
  • By limiting the number of liquidity providers

Supra Mission 31 Answers

Question 1: What core DeFi principle will Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network reinforce?

  • Decreasing access to different blockchains
  • Limiting decentralization
  • Enhancing friction in transactions
  • Enabling more widespread decentralization across blockchains

Question 2: What will be the primary focus of Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network?

  • Limiting DeFi to a specific blockchain ecosystem
  • Opening DeFi doors across all chains
  • Enhancing centralized control over liquidity
  • Streamlining transactions in a single blockchain

Question 3: What key benefits will Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network provide to DeFi users?

  • Limited access to assets across different ecosystems
  • Decreased accuracy in asset prices
  • Faster and smoother trading experiences across an interconnected Web3 landscape
  • Slower execution speeds and increased friction

Supra Mission 30 Answers

Question 1: What problem does Supra aim to solve with its Cross-chain Liquidity Network?

  • Managing Information hubs for digital content
  • Establishing centralized control over liquidity
  • Enhancing liquidity within a single blockchain
  • Fragmentation of liquidity pools across different blockchains

Question 2: Why do we need liquidity pools connected across different networks?

  • To avoid competition between different blockchains
  • To reduce liquidity within a single blockchain
  • To facilitate centralized control over liquidity
  • To let anyone move freely across blockchains with their assets and tokens

Question 3: Why are pre-existing liquidity pools stranded on their blockchains?

  • Because they have no native way to reach other blockchains
  • Because they don’t have value
  • Because they lack popularity
  • Because they are centrally managed

Supra Mission 29 Answers

Question 1: Why are liquidity pools considered decentralized in nature?

  • Operated on a private blockchain
  • Managed by a single governing body
  • Exclusively available to permissioned users
  • Community-provided liquidity from a distributed network of providers

Question 2: What role do liquidity pools play in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space?

  • Gaming platforms for crypto enthusiasts
  • Social hubs for cryptocurrencies
  • Decentralized governance platforms
  • Facilitate trade and exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital assets

Question 3: Who are the providers in the context of liquidity pools, and what role do they play?

  • Cryptocurrency developers
  • Centralized operators managing liquidity
  • Crypto users who trade on DeFi platforms
  • Community members providing liquidity in exchange for fees

Supra Mission 28 Answers

Question 1: Which term is used to describe Supra’s bridgeless cross-chain communication capabilities?

  • ChainConnect
  • MegaBridge
  • InterLink
  • HyperNova

Question 2: What is Supra’s role as an IntraLayer in the Web3 landscape?

  • Graphic design services
  • Data analysis services only
  • Social networking platform
  • Infrastructure and interoperability hub

Question 3: How is Supra transforming the Web3 landscape for builders?

  • By making the lives of builders more challenging
  • By focusing on a single essential tool
  • By limiting access to its infrastructure
  • By providing essential services on a decentralized, interoprable network

Supra Mission 27 Answers

Question 1: How does the Supra Network manage its node groups’ involvement in different services?

  • A single node group manages all services
  • Randomly assign and regularly reshuffle nodes in sub-committees
  • All nodes are involved in every service
  • Clans determine the services they want to be involved in

Question 2: What does Supra refer to the smaller node groups within its network as?

  • Squads
  • Parties
  • Clans
  • Teams

Question 3: What does the Supra Network’s approach to service security and decentralization resemble?

  • A top-down hierarchy
  • Traditional web2 network
  • Decentralized microservice architecture
  • A single workforce managing everything

Supra Mission 26 Answers

Question 1: Which term best describes Supra’s network that integrates multiple infrastructural and interoperability solutions?

  • OmniChain
  • SupraScape
  • IntraLayer
  • InterLayer

Question 2: What is the Moonshot consensus’ improvement over the current leading consensus mechanism?

  • It’s 54% faster in finality latency and 40% better in block throughput
  • It doesn`t have any significant performance improvements
  • It’s 30% faster than the existing consensus mechanism
  • It only improves finality latency, not block throughput

Question 3: When Moonshot consensus is integrated into Supra’s network, what does it boost?

  • Just the network`s internal transactions
  • All of Supra`s protocols and services
  • Only cockpit of the spaceship
  • Only the oracle service

Supra Mission 25 Answers

Question 1: How much block throughput improvement does Supra’s Moonshot consensus have compared to the prevailing state-of-the-art?

  • Exactly 32%
  • Over 54%
  • Under 20%
  • Exactly 45%

Question 2: How does Moonshot’s rapid block finality and increased throughput benefit various use cases on the blockchain?

  • It improves performance across all blockchain use cases it reaches
  • It reduces transaction security
  • It complicates DeFi transactions
  • It has impact on limited blockchain use cases

Question 3: How does Supra’s Moonshot improve speed and performance impact blockchain applications?

  • It makes blockchain activities more costly
  • It slows down blockchain activities
  • It has no impact on blockchain applications
  • It enhances the speed, security, and accessibility of blockchain transactions

Supra Mission 24 Answers

Question 1: What is the benefit for Blast Off players in this token sale?

  • They can get $SUPRA tokens at a higher price than others
  • They can get a refund if they change their minds
  • They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale
  • They can participate in the sale at a later date

Question 2: Which digital token can be used to participate in the sale?

  • BEP-20 $USDC
  • ERC-20 $USDT
  • ERC-20 $ETH
  • ERC-20 $USDC

Supra Mission 23 Answers

Question 1: Why is tokenomics important in blockchain projects?

  • It determines the color and design of blockchain tokens
  • It helps align incentives, promote participation, and foster decentralization
  • It is the only factor that shapes the user experience of blockchain applications
  • It defines the encryption algorithms used for token storage

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token promote decentralization?

  • By allowing only VCs to participate in the network
  • By involving the community and active participants in its tokenomics
  • By concentrating token holdings in a few large wallets
  • By allocating tokens to a central authority for decision-making

Question 3: What does tokenomics refer to in the blockchain context?

  • The economic principles underlying the creation and operation of digital tokens
  • The study of physics used in blockchain transactions
  • The security protocols used to encrypt token transactions
  • The process of token minting on a database

Supra Mission 22 Answer

How does the $SUPRA token extend its utility beyond its native network?

  • By exclusively serving as a staking token.
  • By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting.
  • By providing services only within its ecosystem.
  • By restricting its use to one specific blockchain.

Supra Mission 21 Answers

Question 1: How many utilities of the $SUPRA token are explained in this mission?

  • Eight
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token contribute to network security?

  • It offers discounts on token purchases
  • Users can lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards
  • It operates as a weather prediction tool
  • It has no role in network security

Question 3: How does the $SUPRA token encourage long-term user loyalty?

  • It rewards loyalty with higher fees
  • It has no impact on long-term partnerships
  • It only rewards new users
  • It rewards loyalty with discounted access to network services

Supra Mission 20 Answers

Question 1: What does Supra’s HyperNova provide beyond just bridging assets in Web3?

  • Universal translation and communication between blockchains
  • Exclusive NFT collections
  • AI-powered asset management
  • Enhanced mining capabilities

Question 2: How does Supra’s HyperNova transform Web3?

  • By creating isolated blockchain communities
  • By limiting opportunities for cross-chain connections
  • By reducing the number of available dApps
  • By cryptographically connecting blockchains and their communities across Web3

Question 3: How does Supra’s HyperNova benefit multi-chain gaming?

  • It can expand the player pool across different blockchains
  • It increases in-game currency values
  • It allows for faster local gameplay
  • It enhances graphics and sound quality

Supra Mission 19 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra HyperNova benefit DeFi traders in cross-chain scenarios?

  • By preserving the security guarantees of the source chain
  • By making all cross-chain transactions fee-less
  • By outsourcing security to a small bridge node network
  • By introducing a much slower layer of security

Question 2: How does Supra HyperNova impact the risk-reward equation for cross-chain DeFi traders?

  • It makes risk decisions less calculated
  • It increases risks associated with cross-chain transactions
  • It eliminates all risks entirely from DeFi trading
  • It levels the playing field by removing conventional bridge-related risks

Question 3: How does Supra HyperNova achieve cross-chain interoperability without compromising security?

  • By translating the source chain’s proof into a universally verifiable proof
  • By creating a new security bridge for each chain
  • By outsourcing security to a separate bridge network
  • By introducing a one time use layer of cryptographic complexity

Supra Mission 18 Answer

Question: Where does HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology get its security from?

  • The cryptographic proofs of the origin chain’s consensus as well as Supra’s consensus
  • Only from Supra’s IntraLayer Security Guarantee
  • HyperNova isn’t secure
  • Only from the origin chain, such as Ethereum’s cryptographic proof

Supra Mission 17 Answer

Question: What are bridges used for?

  • For maintaining verifiable records of assets
  • To make it easy to sign into apps
  • For moving within the same blockchain
  • To move between two unique blockchains

Supra Mission 16 Answer

Question: Which projects can be referred by SNAP Affiliates?

  • Only gaming
  • Only L1s and L2s
  • Only DeFi
  • Any project on available networks

Supra Mission 15 Answer

Question: How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?

  • 90% off
  • 50% off
  • 75% off
  • 100% off

Supra Mission 14 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?

  • It makes the protocol easier to manipulate
  • It secures the protocol from manipulation
  • It decides the number of clans in the tribe
  • It decreases the aggregators in the network

Supra Mission 13 Answer

Question: Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?

  • Enabling unfair advantages for select players
  • Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes
  • Limiting the creativity of game developers
  • Slowing the overall gaming experience

Supra Mission 12 Answer

Question: How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?

  • By keeping all computations on one node
  • By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee
  • By keeping verification off-chain
  • By relying on centralized nodes

Supra Mission 11 Answer

Question: What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?

  • Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable
  • Predictable, biased, non-verifiable
  • Unpredictable, biased, verifiable
  • Predictable, unbiased, non-verifiable

Supra Mission 10 Answer

Question: Who does cross-chain interoperability help?

  • Individual Web3 explorers and users
  • Blockchain networks and ecosystems
  • dApp builders and developers
  • All of the above

Supra Mission 9 Answer

Question: How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?

  • On-chain finality in close to 2 seconds
  • Advanced cryptographic security
  • Price feed accuracy and stability
  • All of the above

Supra Mission 8 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?

  • To ensure accuracy in the final result.
  • To increase network efficiency.
  • To reduce the number of nodes in the network.
  • To prevent cyber attacks.

Supra Mission 7 Answer

Question: What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?

  • A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.
  • A way to measure the distance between data sources and the S-value.
  • A technique to shuffle the clan nodes to avoid collusion.
  • A strategy to validate the digital signatures of the clan nodes.

Supra Mission 6 Answer

Question: Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?

  • Agreement Distance
  • Tick-Start DORA
  • Fallback Protocol
  • Randomization
  • All of the above

Supra Mission 5 Answer

Question: Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?

  • PFP NFTs
  • Static NFTs
  • Dynamic NFTs
  • None of the above

Supra Mission 4 Answer

Question: What is Supra’s security method that delivers better oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?

  • Tribes and clans randomization method
  • Static node consensus method
  • Single node attestation method
  • Supra doesn’t need a consensus method

Supra Mission 3 Answer

Question: Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra?

  • Nodes need a 51% majority to reverse Supra’s transactions
  • Reversing finalized transactions on Supra is easy
  • Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized
  • Nodes can reverse transactions without any majority

Supra Mission 2 Answer

Question: Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles?

  • It delivers better decentralization, security, speed, and data accuracy
  • It prevents oracle node collusion by ensuring randomness, others are prone to this
  • Supra has the fastest to full finality oracle service
  • Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

Supra Mission 1 Answers

Question 1: What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?

  • Crypto data, such as prices of crypto coins, tokens, and NFTs
  • Financial data, such as stock prices and foreign currency exchanges
  • Real-world data, such as weather, news, sports scores, date, and time
  • All of the above

Question 2: How much value was stolen from bridges in 2022 alone?

  • Around $2 million USD
  • Over $2 billion USD
  • Exactly $1 million USD
  • Under $1 billion USD

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O rezoluție care urmărește să răstoarne anumite directive SEC, ar putea permite băncilor să păstreze cripto. Aprobată de Comisia pentru Servicii Financiare a Camerei, acum trebuie votată...

Microsoft lovește puternic: instrumentul său AI își propune să reinventeze finanțele!

Gigantul web Microsoft pariază pe inteligența artificială (AI) cu Copilot. Acest instrument AI pe care l-a dezvoltat tocmai a făcut o descoperire majoră prin integrarea serviciilor...

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